Scientific program


Program This program is regularly actualized, and is the last version of the program.

Six poster prizes will be awarded for a value of 500€ during these days, including an Innovation session award.



Prof. Michael Grätzel, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)

Prof. Elena Baranova, University of Ottawa (Canada)

Dr. Ivana Hasa, University of Warwick (United Kingdom)

Prof. Stéphane Goutte, UVSQ, University Paris Saclay (France)

Prof. Sara Cavaliere, ICGM, University of Montpellier (France)

Session "Innovation": Dr. Pascal Boulanger, Nawa Technologies (France)



Prof. Damien Ernst, Université de Liège (Belgium)

Prof. Benedicte Menez, Institut de physique du globe de Paris (France)

Dr. Valérie Briois, Synchotron SOLEIL (France)

Dr. Arnault Barichella, Science Po (France)



Some workshops are organized for the University Paris-Saclay Graduate Schools students. Places are limited. Registration is free and compulsory. Send to momentom2023[at] your name, the course and Graduate School in which you are registered, and the name of the workshop you want to participate in.

8 March, 4.15pm-5.45pm

(In French) Pourquoi penser design pour un monde soutenable ?

Cet atelier est proposé par Design Spot. Le design est une approche globale et systémique qui aborde une problématique par l'interaction d'une solution avec son environnement. Celui-ci permet de répondre à un besoin par la forme pour en maximiser l’efficacité.

Dans cet atelier, nous vous proposons de comprendre son fonctionnement et de l'expérimenter à travers des objets du quotidien. Venez expérimenter la pensée "design" au service d'un développement soutenable !



9 March, 9am-10.15am

(In English) Open science: Publications to Data and Numerical Identity



This workshop is divided into two parts: open science and insights into numerical identity.


In the first part, we will see what open science is, what its implications are for researchers, what their obligations (with respect to institutions or funding agencies) are, what benefits they will have and how to train oneself (in the context of Université Paris-Saclay).



For the second part, we shall focus on your numerical ID (ORCID, for instance), the use of different platforms (both academic ones, like ResearchGate, or professional ones, like LinkedIn) and how you appear on the web.



The objective of this workshop is to train the future researchers with respect to the different aspects of open science, the implementation of recommendations to the full extent, and whom to contact in case of specific problems.


10 March, 11am-12.30pm

(In French) Comment écrire pour un public non-spécialiste et partager ses recherches avec le plus grand nombre ?

Cet atelier, animé par un journaliste de The Conversation, permet aux chercheuses et chercheurs d'approfondir leur connaissance de ce média et de s'approprier des outils de vulgarisation.
Dans un premier temps, l'intervenant détaille des outils concrets de vulgarisation, basés sur des exemples d'articles publiés sur le site. Des outils pour trouver le bon angle, intéresser, simplifier sa recherche sans la dénaturer et construire un article accessible.

Puis chacun est invité à dire un mot de ses recherches, voire à proposer une idée d'article. Le journaliste aide à affiner les angles afin d'aboutir à une proposition de papier pour The Conversation.

L'objectif est qu'à l'issue de cet atelier, un maximum de participants puissent proposer un article et, à terme, être publiés dans The Conversation.



Sustainable energy production

Sunlight-based Energies: Solar-to-fuel/H2, photovoltaics, artificial photosynthesis.
Earth-based Energies: Combustion, Wind, Geothermal, Biomass (algae,…), (micro)hydraulic, native H2, tidal.
Sustainable manufacturing: Circular economy, low-E processes, eco-design, scarce resources, wastes managment.
Sustainable Energies: electrolysis, electrocatalysis, photoelectrolysis, water splitting.

Energy storage and conversion

Electricity: batteries, supercapacitors.
Mechanical: Inertial wheel.
Hydrogen: power-to-gas, hydrogen-storage, fuel cells, NH3, liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC).
Wasted Energy conversion: Heat recovering, piezoelectrics, Thermoelectricity, CO2-to-fuel.

Energy networks

Efficient grids, hybrid sources, multi-energy grids, renewable energy resources integration, electric mobility integration, sustainable cities.

Energy and society

Energy governance: Public management, smart cities and open data ; rebound effect, place-based energy policies and citizen energy communities ; socio-cultural aspects of the energy transition; social acceptability and the quality of life and work.
Energy security: Energy futures in the context of crises ; public policy scenarios and investment/divestment strategies ; new financial engineering, risk assessment and stranded assets ; deployment conditions of alternative solutions to fossil fuels.
Sector integration: Energy-agriculture: land use, energy crops and agri-environmental policy ; energy density of renewable fuels and food security; agrivoltaic systems ; Energy-transport and the role of incentives on the adoption of new mobility service technologies.


New disruptive technologies, startup creation, technological transfer.
Management, entrepreneurship and business models, market regulation, technology push or/and demand pull, diversity of technological solutions, competition and/or coopetition for radical innovation.





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